Tuesday, July 29, 2008

[Project: Recapture]

On December 21, 2007 My phone rang. Kristen called me, and well i wasn't really in the talking mood, and me and her needed to catch up, because its been forever since we talked to each other last. So i climbed up in my bed with a pencil and an empty spiral i had found, while listening to Kristen go on about how her life is just going crazy. About an hour had past, and i had drawn a beautiful picture [the one shown on the left]

After drawing the picture, i Decided to get neat with everything, and on the back I titled it ["The Take Over"]

And then, i Decided that i was going to continue Drawing a picture in that book.

So i numbered the picture, and the next day i drew another picture.

Then things started seeming so much more relaxed.

[At the time i was going through a tough time with a girl...]

I then Drew A picture in that spiral everyday, until it filled up.

One Picture a Day, I Dated them, and I Titled them, and on some of them i put some writing on the back of the picture.

Towards the End of the Spiral i was having trouble drawing faces on a little character.

So i printed off a picture of myself to draw.

and there it is.

This is what i did one day in Algebra II Pre-Ap.
The Teacher dissapproved but i realized i had talent.

Ha, so did everyone else.

So i drew more.
Lets just say i got better at drawing faces.
and i decided that i was going to switch to the right paper for drawing stuff like Portraits.
The Outcome?
Me Drawing my friends.
I get Paid to do it now.
well...only 20 bucks a picture.
i think thats reasonable, because i wouldn't want to pay alot for a picture, why should anyone else?
and because i'm only 15.
And I've only taken Art I.
They didn't even cover Portraits.
This Kind of Drawing though.
Is Called Photorealism.
hint: Looks as real as a Photo.
Anyways, I'd Just thought i would share some of my Talent.
When i Figure out how to make a Website.
I'm going to Post them there.
and Then You can view the whole Spiral
Titled: [Project: Recapture]

Friday, July 25, 2008

[Chapter 28: Heels over Head]

We need to talk.
[Background Music: "Navigate Me" by Cute is what we Aim For]

The KelleyChannel would like to present a new host.
Narrator: This Program is brought to you by Kelley’s new blog

http://kelleychannel. blogspot. com/
Where something is always going on.

KelleyChannel Newscaster: Sorry to interrupt current programming, but a state of emergency is upon the horizon and it needs to be addressed to the public for their viewing.
*Shuffles through some papers and looks down*

KelleyChannel Newscaster 2: According to the hotline board overhead in Kelley's lower cerebellum, there appears to be something that is trying to destroy all of humanity as we know it, and there’s only one person who can help as at the KelleyChannel news station...

Apparently she has urgent news to tell Kelley.
I'm getting something on the telecompter.

Its says "there appears to be a set of questions that Kelley's creativity center is asking about.
Why is Kristen totally avoiding me?
Did I do something?
What am I doing so wrong?"

In an interview earlier today, we asked Mr. Creativity what his thoughts were about what was going on.
and he had this to say...
*cuts to interview*

Mr. Creativity: well... here I am sitting at home, drinking my coffee getting ready to go to work, and then all of a sudden, my Neighbor Mrs. Moods. Decided to start catching all of the neighbor hood cat's tails on fire. It was crazy, I went outside to get the morning paper, and all I see is Mrs. Mood’s throwing gasoline on cats she’s chasing all up and down the streets, and throwing matches at them.
It really was a bizerk sight to place witness to.
She ran up and down the streets saying something crazy.
*cuts to clip*

"Kristen is going to drive us all to insanity, why not just go insane ourselves, we all know its going to happen!?!?"
*end of clip*

*shakes his head*
Then I looked down at my paper, and the headlines Say something about the information agency got attacked in the middle of the night.

*holds the paper up [which shows the headline: "Info. Agency under attack last night" and a picture of the Agency building being exploded leaving a catastrophic mushroom cloud]*

our way of living is going down the tube, and its that Kristen’s fault, if we don't do something about her soon, I’m not sure what’s going to have to happen.
My buddy Mr. Future, is already prepping to be an assassin...

KelleyChannel Newscaster 2: ...And that’s all we can have from Mr. Creativity today. Thank you for your time.
*end interview*

KelleyChannel Newscaster: You did pretty good there KelleyChannel Newscaster 2. Good job.

KelleyChannel Newscaster 2: why thank you.

KelleyChannel Newscaster: In other news KelleyChannel Newscaster 4 took a road trip to the heart, and is this is what he found out. Check it out.
*cuts to scene*

KelleyChannel Newscaster 4: Well thank you guys. I'm down here at the heart, where the center of attention is at. As everyone knows when Kelley has his heart set on something, we have to celebrate it. And so far it’s the biggest party of the year. But the after effects are taking a toll on ol' Broken. He seems to be leaking a ton of emotion, and it doesn't look like its going to stop any time soon. I do hope the White blood cells get here soon enough to patch things up, mean while Broken is still standing on what Kelley has set him on...

This lovely Lazy boy chair brought you by our new sponsors at
http://kelleychannel. BlogSpot. com/
ha, nothings like a good reading, on your oh so very nice and your very own comfy lazy boy chair.
Mr. Broken is living the life. With exception of his recent losses....We'll keep you updated on more news of Mr. Broken.
The White Cells are on their way and we'll interview them when they come around, to see what officially is happening to Mr. Broken, the heart.
This is KelleyChannel Newscaster 4, bringing you the latest of the latest. KelleyChannel Newscaster 2 takes it away.
*cuts scene*

KelleyChannel Newscaster 2: wow it looks like he’s in a tough state down there, I sure hope Mr. Broken's stitches don't come up, man, do you remember what happened last time, man, do NOT want to go through that uh KelleyChannel Newscaster?

KelleyChannel Newscaster: ha, no way, we sure don't.In other news... here’s the weather. Bob?

Bob: Bob here, with The KelleyChannel forecast bringing you all of the worst news that comes around. *smiles*
Lately over in this area with all of that green color splat shaped object, is a mass growing in the Pain Central Co.
which definitely won't be good business for them if the mass gets any bigger.

*Kelley Sneezed*


Narrator: Meanwhile in the Sparatic Movement Center, People are working on everything to get things back to normal just after some enemies tried to penetrate Kelley's perfect immune system, so they blocked the enemy with one of Kelley's amazing sneezes.
*Everyone in the center gave each other a high-five*
Back to the station....

Bob: well...I think we got everything back under control...
Sorry for interrupting your shows here’s your KelleyChannel News, helping you stay alive, and weeeee're out.

Narrator: after the camera stopped rolling, bob throws his coffee at KelleyChannel newscaster, and throws his papers around the office, cursing up a storm....ha, the poor kid probably won't be working here for too long...*cough*


Narrator: sorry to interrupt your program again, but here’s an announcement by Kelley himself.

Kelley: "Kristen? I just want you to know that I did think long and hard about this, and you are absolutely perfect, I mean personality wise, and you’re funny, and you keep me going, and you sure do a good job at making me miss you, and you even have the amazing family. I'm not really sure why talking is such an issue, because we haven't been doing any of it, and that’s why I like you so much, because your the person I can just absolutely talk about anything to, and not think twice about it, whether its super embedded in my head, or if its something that would be stupid, or anything. I love that connection. And we're missing that connection. Right now. If I were right there with you, I would stand in front of you, and grab your hands, and put them behind me, and I would get a little closer to you, and Stare right in your eyes, and I’d give it like...20 seconds of intense staring, and I’d close my eyes and lean my forehead against yours and softly whisper “I’m not giving up with out some huge epic world...no universal war." and that’s what I would do right now. I miss you Kristen =/. And its killing Mr. broken and its making Mrs. Moods go crazy. Please save the cats."


[/End Transmission/]

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

["For A Pessmistic, I'm Pretty Optimistic" By: Paramore]

Ever since high school...
I've been on this insane mission to figure myself out.
And with every step i'm slowly getting closer to my goal.

But just because i can figure myself out, doesn't mean i'm trying to change myself for my benefit.
You can ask any professional that knows a little something about the human mind, and i bet he'll tell you that hating yourself is not advisable.

Being a teenager is actually a tough job,
with all of this responsabilty that people throw at you, and your parents random actions that are also tossed around like a hot potatoe.
The people you come in contact with that can just turn the world as you know it upside down.
And all of the life lessons that come with being an adolesence.

I'm Slowly getting everything i need in my head to survive in the "real" world.

I'm the kid who doesnt do sneaking out, I'm the anti-social kid, Never tried any drugs or alcohol, I go to school, not to do homework, but just to learn about everything, I don't have too many friends, but then again, i don't really want a ton of friends, I'd like to think i take in every second, but i know what i'm really doing is getting ready for ahead, I'm the think-ahead kind of kid, who is always prepared for the future with what i have in my surrondings, I only treat others the way i would like to be treated, I've never done homework in my life, I would like to think I'm very mature for my age, I think things through, and while most teenage guys at my age, just want to get into fights, its like they don't comprehend that getting hurt back is part of the process, *shrugs* maybe its just me, but i'm not a pain junkie.

I'm the kid that doesn't do any work, doesn't mean i make straight A's, cause i don't, but i do learn, i know a whole ton more than any of the other kids in the classroom, who just sit around and pretend that they're bored to be the "cool" kids on the block.

I'm the kid who sits in the front of the class, to draw a picture.
I'm not a fan of the other kids, so the front is the best place to be away from them, you stick 15 kids in a small room, and make them sit for an hour and a half, they get antsy, so they try to talk to you, and if your the kind of person who doesn't like talking... this causes a problem which has to be terminated with only the most aggressiveness thats possible from one's own physical being.

I'm the kid who wears jeans everyday, because just incase the world ends, and running from something is involved, i'm prepared for it. While the only thing shorts are good for is slow you down as you feel every long blade of grass rub against your bare legs.

I'm also the kid who blames everything that goes on in his life, on himself.
If i'm unhappy, its because i put myself in that position.
Being the oldest of 2 siblings, from divorced parents, My sister and I have absolutely no desire to be in each other's life. Which is fine by my part, I wasn't born to help the waist.
Its true, you know strongest what no one taught you.
If they got that low, they can get back up.
life really is for the strong, not necessarly survival of the fitess.
But for those who are stronger willed.

such as druggies, I'm assuming that every drug nut knows what the consequences are by partaking in that particular drug, so why put your body through more strain than it was born to take on?
thats just stupidity to me.

If you want to feel good, go watch a comedy.
Listen to some music.
Draw a picture.
Find something that will make you feel good.
think possitivity.
not negativity.

Funny how i dish out advice, and i'm the one who hates myself.
I make a lot of mistakes, and a lot of them were stupid.
and stupid isn't good enough.
It takes a toll to be someone like me.

and the responsiblity?
Everything thats in my room.
I own.
My clothes, The computer i'm typing on, the internet that flows through its core, the music i'm listening to, the bed i lay to sleep in, the books on the shelf, the games on the floor, the tv on the dresser, the guitar and keyboard.
were all purchased with the money that i've earned.

An I-pod is my next purchase.
My current Mp3 player is eating batteries like a mule.
and its a costly bill to pay for.
I-pods don't use batteries.
so everything is going to be alright.
and music will still be portable.

and women...?
I guess i'll save it for another time.
But the day will come.
I warned you all.

And there you go.
Me venting.
Happy Birthday Dad.

[Dream: The First of Many]

Here’s the First Dream in the Series
These Things get pretty long.
What can I say?
I love to write.
Band trip

the dream starts out as a band trip to Wal-Mart.
The Band is riding in a yellow bus; Mr. Williams [The Band Director]
is getting us pumped for this amazing trip to the Wal-Mart
I turn around to talk to the girl behind me, and I make fun of Mr. Williams, and she laughs [The Person I'm talking to, is Sarah, the person who I’ve had some recent trouble with]
I asked her if we were all good with each other, and she was like "I am, when you are"
A little bit after she says this, the bus pulls into the parking lot
After slowly coming to a stop, the band slowly gets off the bus, and starts to segregate in the parking lot, waiting for the director to instruct us where to head to
He gets off the bus, looks at us for a second, and tells us to flee from him, and have fun in this deluxe edition of Wal-Mart. [only the best for my dreams]
Mr. Williams stays in the Parking lot, He starts to setup for some Barbeque he thinks the kids would actually eat from [when there’s a perfectly amazing McDonalds in Wal-Mart.]
The group I decided to stay with in Wal-Mart consisted of Sarah, Emily [Sarah's older Sister], Davin [Sarah's best friend], and Luis [Emily's best friend].
We walk straight to the toy isle [of course, Sarah’s around]
Mr. Butler [Co-Band Director] is walking around supervising, making sure we don't go around stabbing balls or anything.
As we're walking towards the toy section, I spot my really old [as in from 7th grade] ex girlfriend Kara, [she doesn't play a part in the dream at all, I just saw her out of the blue with some guy, she still looks cute though] I didn't talk to her though, I was hoping she didn't see me, so I ran over to Sarah and we messed a bit with whatever was on the shelf
Meanwhile... Luis and Emily are running around everywhere, and Davin is just kind of walking around
After messing with just about every toy Sarah could get her hands on, we get what we came for and start heading to the front to check out

The cashier was some kid who didn't really know how to do his job, so Pat[Fellow Band Member] was over a lot to help him out.
we get up to the front and where they sack everything, Brittany Rider[Another Band Friend] was just kind of standing there, purse out, waiting to pay.
So [Being the overly amazingly nice guy I am] I went over and talked to her, and while I was talking to her, Pat comes along and steals her purse,
She didn't notice,
But I did,
Pat runs off and I finish my conversation with Brittany
We get everything checked out and we head for the bus, on our way I see Brittany, so I run over to her and mention that Pat has her purse, she freaks out and realizes it’s gone
She then runs to Mr. Williams and tells on him
Pat gives the purse back and goes back to doing whatever it was he was doing.
As we're walking out to the now covered Parking lot in about 12 barbeque pits with lots of aluminum foil over everything, Mr. Williams is standing on this really nice charter bus, with a top deck, giving some speech [Like Always]
We find one of the tables they have set up.
But there's only like 3 chairs, so me and Luis [Being the guys] let Sarah, Davin, and Emily take the seats
Because I have this enormously huge crush on Sarah, I stand behind her waiting for Mr. Williams to finish his speech
Davin got the bright idea to leave and sneak off some where
[Right as she says that, the dream scene shifts]
Now I’m in some basement like room, with lots of chains hanging around, and boxes of random stuff, the room was tiny and square-ish, it also lacked a door
I looked out the door less doorway, and there was a long hallway, kind of like... a hotel hall. There were doors all along the hallway. As I walked down the hall, trying to figure out just where I was, I noticed that none of the doors were marked with room numbers [which obviously knocked hotel off of my list of where I was]
I continued to walk down the rest of the hall, at the end of the hall, were some stairs leading to a door, which was also not labeled.
I ran up the stairs, happy for freedom, and opened the door, just to find out I was in the basement of Wal-Mart. [Stupid dream shift only got me as far as the basement of Wal-Mart]Considering I’ve never been in the basement of Wal-Mart, I went back down to check things out. I went back down the hall, to the first room I found on my left after the shift.

In it, were some slot machine things, a bed, and a closet with a bunch of clothes in it?
On the bed was one of my pillows.
How it got there, I have no idea.
I walk around the room, to examine the room.
Then this woman runs in, all hot and sweaty, [it looked like she just got done running] and stops at the door and just stares at me.
After staring back for a little bit, I finally realize who this person was.
It’s Lanie [My Best Friend]
After discovering this, I run over to her and gave her a hug,
And I pull back and she lays a huge kiss on me.
Totally blank as to why she did that, we kind of stare at each other for a minute or two,
I turn around and close the door
And locked it, and I turn back to Lanie.
I stare at her, staring at me from across the room, and I asked her, what the slot machine thing was?
She looked at me all confused-like and explains what it was.
"It’s a money maker"
She then went over to the machine and showed me how it operated, still with a confused look on her face, she pressed a button or two and money started shooting everywhere.
[I thought it was pretty neat]
Feeling the awkward tension building I decided that i would take this opportunity to leave.
I slowly back towards the door and opened it, and left, while closing the door behind me.
Leaving, Lanie with a dumbfounded face, as money flies in the air.

I decided that I would go and check another room out
And the very next room to where I was just in, seemed like a nice place to start my adventure.
I open the door, and its just a dark room, with a bunch of desks lined up one the walls.
Just as I walked in, I heard someone running down the hall.
I never bothered to turn the switch on, because someone else ran in the room.
Because it was so dark, the guy running in didn't see me hop underneath one of the desks.
Saul Mendoza [A Smart kid in Band] was the one that walked in.
He was carrying a lot of rolled up papers, seemed too busy to notice where I was, he was so busy, he didn't even bother to turn the lights on. He just started to lay his papers on the big desk in the center, using the light from the doorway to see his way around.
Just as he got all settled in, a girl bursts her head from the door
Telling Saul, in a loud whisper, that "they" were coming.
This put him in a fret, and he started to scatter everywhere, the girl left and it got quiet again.
Realizing that I should probably get out of there before "They" came around, I jumped out from behind the desk and scared Saul a little, but he just looked at me and was like
"Oh, its just you....how'd you find this place?"
I didn't answer him, I asked him who "they" were, and he said he couldn't tell me.
I just knew that I needed to leave quickly; he grabbed me by the arm and took me to a door in the room, which turned out to be a bathroom.
In the bathroom was a tiny closet.
I hopped in the closet, and got settled into a ball, and leaned against the wall.
Saul left to finish what he was doing, and as soon as he got out of the bathroom, "they" came into the room.
Everything went cold, but I shrugged it off.
I could hear them talking through the walls, so I listened in.
Saul greets the people.
"Hey Mr. President"
Then a pause.
"Hey sir"
It sounded like other people were in the room.
[I just assumed that it was body guards or something]
I heard the president, and Saul talking about some plan, and just as I heard the president say "you got the chart?"
I sneezed [figures right?]
I froze. I stayed in the closet with my head against the wall, with my back against the closet door, and closed my eyes tight
The president was pretty pissed, and sent a guy to check the rooms
He found me.
He opened the door and just said "tag" [weird...I know?]
With my back still to him, not being able to see who it was,
He shot me
I didn't feel the shot like I thought I would, the President ran in there, my back is still towards them, I hadn't moved.
The President takes the gun from he guy, and shoots like the whole round of bullets
[Dream scene shift]

I opened my eyes, and I'm in the Wal-Mart parking lot standing behind Sarah, just like the scene before it shifted.
I stand there trying to figure out what just happened, and Sarah looks up at me, and with the most caring voice ever, asked what was wrong.
I shrugged it off, and pretended like nothing happened.
I told her nothing was, and then told her I was ready to go.
I looked at her and smiled. She smiled back, and then we looked at Mr. Williams.
Mr. Williams is still giving a speech
Right in the middle of a word, he stops, and stares straight ahead, somewhere above Wal-Mart, and then says "First ones on the bus win!"
My group, thinking it was funny, got up and ran to the bus.
Everyone else in the band just kind of sat there.
And didn't take what Mr. Williams was saying seriously.
We get on the bus, and take our seats, just as two more people get on, the bus zooms off, closes the door, and starts heading back to the high school.
My Camera guy kind of zoomed out of focus towards the Wal-Mart entrance,
Standing there was the president, 3 Security Guys, and a Dark Figure wearing a hooded cloak.
The Camera guy zooms back in, sits in the seat next to me and films the rest of the dream.

The bus left just about everyone at Wal-Mart, except me, Sarah, Davin, Emily, Luis, and two other band kids that I didn't know.
The band kids that were left were running at the bus trying to get a ride, but it wasn't stopping for anything
I think it ran over someone, the driver just kept going, he would mutter "sorry" occasionally, every time we hit a bump.
Being all confused and worried, Sarah sat next to me and was asking me all these questions.
"Why did we just leave everyone?"
"Do you know what’s going on?"
"Oh gah, what are we going to do?"
"Do you think everyone else is going to be ok?"
"Did you feel that bump?"
I smile at her, and I leaned in while she was talking, and kissed her.
It shut her up
I told her that I wouldn't let anything happen, and that I was going to fix everything
We stared at each other for a minute or two,
And just as I calmed her down, we looked out the window, and looked out into the woods, and this HUGE mushroom cloud bursts from miles away.
Scared the hell out of me,
And then Emily casually comes in saying
"It’s a prank Mr. Williams is playing on Pat for stealing Brittany's purse"
Me and Sarah kind of look at each other, shrugged and went along with it, trying to figure out how it was a prank?
We kind of ran over some people, and left everyone at Wal-Mart...

We pull into the high school, there are thousands of people everywhere, and cars are piled up.
Me and Sarah run off the bus, cause it wasn't going anywhere with this traffic, and we run to the front of the school.
On our way, I saw Travis and Shelley [Old friends of mine] getting out of one of the parked cars.
I said hi, and kept running, I had to hold Sarah's hand to keep on to where she was
We pushed through the crowd, and this black lady [probably some secretary] was telling us that we couldn't come through there without our ids
So we pulled them out of our pockets and carried on
We didn’t go inside the building, because through the glass doors, I saw, the president and his security, and a cloaked figure.
The cloaked figure is what really caught me off guard.
The President leaned over and whispered something to the cloaked figure.
I then had a super fast flashback and I put the pieces together.
[I think I thought that the president and the cloaked figure were doing they're plan right now]

I start backing away from the door and told Sarah "this isn't a prank on pat" as I’m backing away.
I felt something wet in my socks, and I look down, there’s water up to my ankles, getting a little freaked, the black lady runs over to me and tells me to get in one of the safety boats.
Just around the corner of the school, were lots of little orange safety boats, floating because of the recent flooding of water, most fit only two people, some fit three, and you had to put this weird helmet on and a vest.
Davin ran by Sarah, noticed it was her and took her to sit with her, and they just left me.
This lady grabbed me and pulled me over to one of the boats, and gave me a helmet, and told me to "please fasten your safety belt and put your helmet on correctly."
Trying to put that helmet on, people were pushing the safety boats, to get the line moving.
I had my mp3 player in my pocket and the water got high enough that when the player touched the water, it shocked me and my clothes vanished. [Ha, weird uh?]
I was still struggling to put the helmet on; I was getting pretty pissed, especially since my clothes just vanished.
This lady saw that I was struggling with the helmet, and came over, and noticed I didn't have any clothes on, so she pointed over to some guy behind the school who had a bunch of clothes in a pile, on the only dry land around, and she told me I could go over there get some.
I ran over there with the helmet covering up parts of me, because I was running in front everyone, everyone and Sarah, but they were too preoccupied to noticed I was practically streaking.
Sarah noticed and got out of her boat thing and ran over to me, leaving Davin confused.
I was looking through that pile of clothes and Sarah stopped me, looked at me with that raised eyebrow look, and told me to calm down
She told me "its was going to be alright"
I smiled at her, still nervous that,
A. I didn't have any clothes on and
B. That everything was flooding
I grabbed a pair of ragged jeans [that fit!*] and went without a shirt,
I turned around and grabbed Sarah’s hand
We ran for another boat thing, got in, and Sarah showed me how to put the stupid helmet on
And we were on our way to wherever these people were taking us.

Narrator: That concludes the first dream in the series. Stayed tuned.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

[Sleep Cam: Intro]

I'm the kind of guy who can wake up in the middle of the night, get on the computer, and type the very dream i just awoke from.
I know, not too many people go about doing this?
But its intertainment to me.I'm also the kind of guy who likes to write things one day, and wait a year, and reopen it and read what was going on through my head a whole year ago.
Its all a part of the growing up process, i compare everything that i see.
so only being 15, i feel like i'm 28?
I would say that i'm pretty grown.and i'm all ready to take on the world.
so for now, i'm just going to focus on my dreams.
I'm not one of those nuts who sits around and just reads what everything in my dreams mean.
But i do occasionaly focus my attention to that sort of platform.
It's interesting to understand the dream that you had the night before.apparently...
dreams, are your mind's way of telling you things.
depending on what your mind needs to say.
is what just happens to pop in your noggin whilst you slumber away.
drooling on your pillows.and here is my key for when i'm telling you about my dreams.
Dream Key: The Essential Guide
Everything in *astrics*- means that its a physical action. ex.*shrugs*
Everything in [bars]- means the thought going through my head. ex. [this is kinda lame]
Dream Shift- is where your dream shifts locations on you. ex. one moment i'm at home, the next, i'm in the artic.
That about covers everything in this chapter.
the next one will probably have one of my dreams involved.